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  • Leading the way

    Leading the way

    Helping you help your staff.
  • Great solutions

    Great solutions

    For your business through education, challenging discussion and networking.
  • Getting to the point

    Getting to the point

    Employee programs that impact the business in measurable ways.

About us

Human Resources Management @ Work (HRM@W) is a voluntary group established to provide a forum for like minded HR professionals to interact and discuss the issues current and relevant to their profession.
HRM@W is designed to facilitate the sharing of information and building of awareness, whilst at the same time allowing members of the network to seek and provide assistance within the group.  Click here for more information.


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Suggest a speaker

If you would like to suggest a speaker for a future event click here and fill out the suggestion form.

Suggest a topic

Suggest a topic for a future event by filling out the suggestion form here.

Sydney agendas

View the upcoming meetings and previous agendas for Sydney meetings.

Melbourne agendas

View the upcoming meetings and previous agendas for Melbourne meetings.